A free thinker in the Heartland...

Monday, April 23, 2007

National "Rock, Paper, Scissors" Competition?

Oh come on now, I have seen it all now. From the Indy Star:
A burly 64-year-old retiree who resembles jolly old St. Nick will be going mano a mano with other contestants in a national title bout - in Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Ray Scott won the New Hampshire title by advancing through eight rounds of tournaments at Manchester bars and pubs. With his white beard and spectacles, fans cheered "Go Santa Go" during the New Hampshire finals earlier this month.

Next month Scott heads to Las Vegas to compete in the USA Rock, Paper Scissors League's national competition. If he makes the right move, he wins the $50,000 grand prize. The competition will be broadcast on ESPN.
Oh come on, it is even going to be on ESPN??? What won't that channel show???