A free thinker in the Heartland...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

5 Reasons George W. Bush Isn't As Stupid As You Think

Ok, this is funny! Check out this article from Cracked.com listing the reasons Bush isn't as dumb as you think he is!
5. His "Down-Home" Country Roots

Why He Appears Mentally Disabled

Famously, Bush has cleared more brush than, well, a guy who's cleared a lot of brush. It's his hobby—moving sticks around like a real live cowboy. Go figure.

Why He's Actually a Genius

He made America forget that he's actually from the North. The cowboy president was, in fact, born in Connecticut and attended high school at the prestigious Phillips Academy in Andover, Mass. He moved on to college at Yale in New Haven, Conn. and then graduate school at Harvard in Cambridge, Mass., all the while spending summers at his family's estate in Kennebunkport, Maine.

The Pudding (Where The Proof Is)

All you other retaaaaads from New England haven't been able to drop that accent. Not only did Bush avoid it, he pulled a Southern one out of thin air the same way Madonna started talking like Oliver Twist after living in England for two months.
That is just reason #5! Click on over to read the rest! My personal favorite?
3. His Functional Retardation at Press Conferences

Why He Appears Mentally Disabled

News flash: the man can't string a complete sentence together.

Why He's Actually a Genius

The President has contributed more new words to the English language than anyone since Shakespeare. How many words did, say, Jimmy Carter invent? Zero (although the sharp rise in popularity of the phrase “what a pussy” coincided exactly with his presidency). Shakespeare invented words like “braggartism” that—let's face it—don't exactly get used a lot. Bush, on the other hand, invented the word “misunderestimate,” which is used daily by douchey office jockeys coast to coast. And who's to say it's not a real word? “Braggartism” wasn't a word either, until someone of exceptional intelligence said it was.

The Pudding (Where The Proof Is)

A highly advanced Internet search machine known as a “Google” reveals 74,000 results for Bush's “misunderestimate,” compared with only 2,400 for Shakespeare's “braggartism.” Who's a better word-inventor-guy now?