A free thinker in the Heartland...

Monday, June 19, 2006

On The Road Again

Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels is going on a trip to Japan... again. From the Indianapolis Star:

Daniels and 59 government and business leaders from across the state departed Saturday on the venture. They were expected to arrive in Japan today and return home June 28 after traveling to South Korea.

The decline of Indiana communities such as Marion, hit hard by the loss of manufacturing jobs, is the driving force for this job-trolling tour, on which Daniels will try to persuade companies to locate or expand in Indiana.

His first visit last August, he told reporters before heading to Chicago for the 14-hour flight to Tokyo, confirmed that "the best prospects for new jobs in Indiana are from the businesses that are already here."


Daniels cited a Toyota expansion in Lafayette as among the fruits of the first trip. Democrats, though, have been critical of Daniels' jobs record.

"It took the administration 16 months to develop a jobs plan, and our state has fallen to the back of the national pack in terms of job growth. At the end of the day, Indiana needs jobs, not another honorary shogun," said Indiana Democratic Party Chairman Dan Parker, referring to the title Daniels received on his first trip to Japan.
I am still angry about Daylight Savings... this daylight till 10PM is just weird. If anything, we should be on Central Daylight Saving, but that probably won't be happening anytime soon. Not to mention that lease of the toll road for too many years! I can't wait till he is up for reelection... he is soo popular with us up north.